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Science with Giants All-School Assembly (K-6)

Balancing Behemoths! Whopping Whirligigs! Gargantuan Gadgets!
Get ready for LARGE-SCALE LEARNING in “Science with Giants,” the biggest assembly ever from Rick Hartman and his School of Toy!
Featuring monster-sized playthings that tower above mere mortals, “Science with Giants” brings K-6 audiences face to face with Big Ideas like forces, motion, energy, systems and much more!
Rick’s “toyful teaching” has always challenged students to “Think Big.” Now it’s time to "Think Huge" as Rick unlocks a colossal toybox brimming with scientific surprises, mammoth machines, and massive fun.
Length: 45-55 minutes (including time for Q&A.)
Group Size: Whole or half school
Note: Memorable and engaging, but NOT a hands-on workshop.
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